The District is tasked by the Conference to promote and develop New Places for New People, with priority being given to Church at the Margins. Wherever NPNP arise within the life of the District, from the outset they will be expected to be grounded in these essential principles and practices. Getting this pioneering mindset embedded within an expectant and hopeful culture of prayer and reflection is a crucial determinant of what will eventually unfold under the Spirit’s prompting.
Get an idea of the core values, NPNP process, and resources available:
NPNP Mindmap Document 2023 (pdf)
District NPNP Policy Document
District NPNP Policy and procedures (pdf)
If you are thinking about an NPNP please become familiar with the excellent NPNP resources provided by the Evangelism and Growth Team which are available at the following link:
Methodist New Places for New People Resources (webpage)
As part of NPNP, we are encouraged to consider establishing ‘Church at the Margins’ by building new Christian communities amongst economically marginalised people.
Discover Church at the Margins (webpage)
New places for new people Connexional Guides
How to start a New Place for New People (pdf)
Starting new Christian communities: A practical guide 2024 (pdf)
Resource matching for NPNP
Matching NPNP funding with in-kind resources (pdf)
Making your application for funding: these are the key questions you will need to answer
NPNP Funding Application Form 2024 (doc)
Meet the District Team:
The District NPNP Team are accountable to the District Leadership Team and the Representative Synod, and work under the direction of the Chair of District. The key tasks of the team are to:
- Be enthusiastic advocates for NPNP and especially Church at the Margins
- Build relationships with the Circuits, encouraging them to explore the possibilities for NPNPs in their contexts, with the aim that 60% of these will be Church at the Margins initiatives. An Initial Ideas form exists for this purpose and will be the basis for such consultations.
- Work with and encourage local Circuit NPNP teams and especially those people who are emerging as leaders of NPNPs
- Support the development of local NPNP budgets and the process of accessing NPNP funding grants from both the District and Connexion
- Discern how the most effective oversight and support for any proposed NPNP might be offered, including whether the Kairos Movement may be an appropriate pathway
Circuits that wish to launch an NPNP are encouraged to:
- Form a circuit NPNP team of people with the vision and enthusiasm to plant a new Christian community and support its development. In particular Circuit NPNP Teams will initiate the circuit-led projects by discerning a context, vision and focus for the project; playing a role in submission for funding; and leading on any necessary recruitment. The Circuit NPNP Team could be any group of people committed to pioneering an NPNP. It may involve lay volunteers, paid lay workers, presbyters, and/or deacons. Though it may not always include the Superintendent, the group should have the support of the Superintendent for their project.
- Consider how Church at the Margins might best be developed in their context
- It is connexional policy that all circuit-led NPNP projects should be match-funded or match-resourced, Where possible it is therefore imperative that Circuits match fund external grants given for NPNP from their own Circuit and Church funds and resources, or give very sound reasons for the level of support that can be offered if matching is not possible.
Grants and funding
The District has been allocated £220k by the connexion for NPNP, to which we have match funded £200k from the DAF. This gives a total available of £420k. Funding for the Kairos movement is separate to this figure. Currently, there are fifteen circuits in the District, plus Kairos, so the amount available for any single project will not be huge. This is why match funding by circuits and churches is essential, particularly if personnel are to be employed. Additionally, as Church at the Margins plays such a key part in NPNP, the District may think it prudent to set aside a modest sum to support a dedicated officer for this purpose.
As the intermediate group in the Connexional funding process, the District NPNP Team will have delegated authority to approve all applications for grants from these District funds. In so doing they will be mindful of the total available to the District and will accordingly apportion such funds with due care and diligence.
NPNP Hubs and Webinars
If you are doing, starting, thinking, or praying about New Places for New People, join the Evangelism and Growth Team’s NPNP Hubs and Webinars which are open to everyone. These online gatherings are particularly useful for circuit leaders exploring how to enable a new Christian community to begin in their context and those who sense a call to pioneer them.
NPNP Hubs and Webinars (webpage)
District Initial Ideas form:
New places for new people district initial ideas form (doc)
Making your application for funding: these are the key questions you will need to answer
NPNP Funding Application Form 2024 (doc)
Contact us
Via the district office –
District NPNP Team:
Revd Andy Lindley
Liane Kensett
Elliot Crippen
Naomi Prince
Revd Neville Simpson