Yorkshire North and East Methodist District is among one of seventeen outstanding organisations delivering innovative climate solutions that have reached the finals of the prestigious 2024 Ashden Awards.
Over 500 organisations applied for the 2024 Ashden Awards, and the District is one of just two finalists in the category of “People’s Energy for helping UK communities power up local energy solutions” after a rigorous assessment and selected by panels of expert judges including academics, investors, civil society leaders and journalists.
Award winners will be announced at a ceremony on 27 June 2024, during London Climate Action Week.
Our District Chair says: “Well done, and huge thanks, to all who have been working so hard within the District on pursuing our commitment to good stewardship of earth’s precious resources….”
Find out more about our Net Zero as a District here: https://www.yorkshirenemethodist.org/our-work/net-zero/
Ashden, a UK charity, has been spotlighting transformative climate solutions for more than 20 years through their prestigious Awards scheme.
Head of Awards Dr Stephen Hall said: “We’re thrilled with this year’s Ashden Awards finalists. They’re brimming with epic climate ambition – ambition to slash global emissions and transform our world. They’re also pioneers of climate justice, building a world that’s fairer and greener. It’s no surprise to find these two qualities together: when it comes to climate action, they go hand-in-hand.
“Change happens faster when more people believe in it, back it, and enjoy the benefits. We’re really proud to celebrate these organisations, and urge investors, funders and policymakers to support them too.”