Being Salt and Light: time for action

District Synod is taking place on Saturday 10th September 2022 via Zoom

Synod is an opportunity for us to gather as a district to worship, learn and share stories. Be encouraged and resourced in your local churches and circuits. Our focus will be on exploring how we can be putting our faith into transformative service within our communities during these turbulent times.

Non-synod members are very welcome to join via the live stream on YouTube, which will also be available to watch back later along with all the videos and resources shared during the morning.

Find more information and upcoming synod reports here:

New Circuit Support Team Leader

We are delighted to announce that Revd Ruth Gilson-Webb will be joining the District Team in September 2022 as our Circuits Support Team Leader – a strategic role helping to shape the development and flourishing of the mission of churches and circuits across Yorkshire North and East District, and leading our Circuits Support Team.

Ruth says:

“Having worked for many years as Director of The Girls’ Brigade, candidating for the Methodist Ministry in 2015/16 was, for me, a return to a calling sensed in my ‘younger days’ – delayed as God led me in other ways!

Pre-ordination Training at Queen’s Foundation was my second run at theological college, having chosen that route after school when I believed that the Lord was calling me in a particular way. I feel hugely privileged to have had these life-shaping opportunities to share in discovery with others…though I wasn’t that keen on all the assignments!

I took an ‘apprenticeship’ style route at Queen’s which enabled me to work as a student minister in Barnsley for two years, before being stationed to Aire and Calder (Yorkshire West) in 2019.

As a ‘Yorkshire gal’ it’s a joy to be serving God in an area I love…though I’ve been hugely blessed at having opportunities through God’s call on my life to work around the UK and Internationally over the years.

Much of my focus to date has been in roles supporting and encouraging ‘church’ to join in with God’s mission in their local community, to adventure, and to build on the past in ways that relate to the present and future.  

That’s why I am so excited to be joining the Yorkshire North and East District at this time. The stories and snippets I see from Circuits and churches in the District say so much about how Methodist people are really seeking to be open to God in these unsettled post-pandemic, post-Christendom, post seemingly everything days – to flex and adapt to share the hope of Jesus Christ in relevant ways. It feels such a privilege to be given this opportunity to join you in this. I pray that I will be of help and support to you in the days ahead, whilst we drink DECENT coffee together and I bore you with stories about our two crazy Westie dogs!”

The role is about offering spiritual and practical encouragement and support to circuits in responding positively to opportunities for development and growth as they seek to fulfill their mission. Supporting circuits as they face challenges in fulfilling governance responsibilities. Providing leadership to other members of the Circuits Support Team, including line management, to ensure that the team is effective in supporting the vision of the District. Liaising closely with the District Chair, District Leadership Team, and other Officeholders to ensure work is well-communicated and managed efficiently. It’s an exciting role for a visionary and strategic leader to help shape the development and flourishing of the mission of the Yorkshire North and East District working across the Yorkshire North & East Methodist District of the Methodist Church

New District Admin

We are delighted to announce that Naomi Prince will be taking on a new role with the District Team in August as our District Administrator/ Chair’s PA – a key, multi-faceted role as part of the Yorkshire North and East Methodist District Team.

Naomi says:

“I’m so excited to be your new District Administrator. I’m just finishing my third year at the University of York where I was studying for a BA in music and I’m continuing my studies for the next two years as I work towards a Research Masters, looking at whether hymns can still be seen as a tool for evangelism. Alongside my degree, I have been very involved within the Methodist Church around York, as I have been a member of the Children and Youth Team, and have sat on the District Leadership Team while also training as a Local Preacher. I’m really looking forward to taking on this role and contributing further to the work of the District.”

Flourish 23 Booking Now Open

All Flourish 23 tickets can be purchased through our online system provided by Ticket Tailor

What is Flourish?

Journey together with friends for an all-age weekend to discover how we can flourish in our faith, as a church for the future, and in being missional communities. More than a Church Meet-up. More than a Christian Conference. More than a Worship Festival.


Speakers | Workshops | Worship | Activities

Note: Ticket prices are heavily subsidised by a district grant. Anyone for whom the cost is prohibitive should seek support from their church, circuit, district (in that order). Tickets allow you to attend any day or the whole weekend of Flourish – however, please note some workshops and parts of the programme will have limited space; the purchase of a ticket will not guarantee entry to these and you may be directed to an alternative session. We will inform ticket holders when they are able to reserve places for workshops and sessions nearer the event.

Please only buy tickets if you intend to come, as no refunds are available.

Find out more about Flourish 23 here:

Kindness Course – Great 50 Days

We will be running District Zoom sessions of the Kindness Course. Written by the Revd Dr David Perry last year, it is a great opportunity to explore how we can be responding to the gospel by living kind, generous, open-hearted lives, that are in themselves evangelistic, because we’re reaching out in kind and generous ways. Part of our Great 50 Days initiative.

Tuesday nights
Starting Tuesday 24th May through till Tuesday 28th June

For the Zoom link, email:

Find out more about the Kindness Course and the Great 50 Days here:

Relight our Fire

Over 140 representatives, ministers, supernumeraries, and visitors came together on Saturday 7th May at Manor Academy in York to join in worship, conferring, conversation, talks, workshops, and more. Looking to God to relight the fire of our faith, passion, and action. A day of encouragement, challenge, discussion, and fellowship.

The full live stream of the morning is available to watch back here

Thank you to everyone who contributed to District Synod. Representative Synod is far more than a business meeting, and it was great to have many visitors of all ages!

At the link below, find:

  • Link to the live stream to watch back
  • Videos of each of the three talks
  • Details about workshops and what took place at synod
  • Links to resources on some of the topics discussed
  • Details of hymns and videos used in worship
  • Text and download of the synod prayer

Representative Synod

A reminder that our Spring District Synod is happening on Saturday 7th May 2022
9.30am – 3.30pm | open to everyone.
Manor Academy, York, YO26 6PA

Theme: Relight our fire

We’ll be looking to God to be relighting the fire of our faith, passion, and action. Including various key-note speakers and workshops on a range of topics.

Find more information about District Synod here:

Great 50 Days District Initiative 2022

We’re excited to launch our “Great 50 Days” district initiative for 2022

The Great 50 Days of Easter run from Easter Sunday (17th April) to Pentecost Sunday (5th June) and this year we’re offering an opportunity to explore more urgently and more deeply than perhaps we have for some time, just how we’re called to be ‘Easter People’, filled with the hope of Christ alive within us; ready
to experience more of God’s spirit in us and through us, transforming the world.

Click the link below for more information on the different options available for you and your church to engage with, either in full or in part. You will also find resources to download and details of other ways we are resourcing local circuits, churches, or individuals to make the most of these opportunities.

Holy Week Videos 2022

In addition to our monthly district online worship (27th March and 24th April), the District is coordinating a series of daily online meditation videos for Monday to Saturday of Holy Week. Working in collaboration with people across different circuits, these 15-20 min daily videos will be something that hopefully can supplement local initiatives and be used by circuits/churches for content on social media, websites, mid-week groups, etc. or just as a shareable link to complement what you’re doing. As with all our district online material, you’re welcome to signpost people to the district versions which will be available on social media, or take and use the content locally which will be available for download in advance.

Find more info here:

Safeguarding Conference 2022

How does safeguarding influence who we are as God’s people? Three sessions reflecting on the theology of safeguarding.

Open to everyone.

Details and booking for our Safeguarding Conference 2022 are now live!

Book to attend here:

Tuesday 1st February 2022 | 10-11.30am
Wednesday 2nd February 2022 | 7-8.30pm
Thurs 3rd February 2022 | 1.30-3pm

Organised by the team who brought you “Gifts outside the box” in 2021: Yorkshire N&E, Sheffield, Yorkshire West, Newcastle, and Darlington Districts