Lay employment support

If you are considering employing a lay worker, and for an early conversation around good practice, please contact Andrew Crawford, our District Employment Advisor. 

Should you have Church Council or Circuit Meeting approval to make an appointment, complete the Authorisation To Recruit Form and send to Andrew so that the necessary district approvals can be achieved (Standing Order 438a)

Andrew will support you to create a ‘job pack’ and remain available to you during the recruitment and onboarding process. A conversation at this stage will ensure that the district’s recommended employment terms are incorporated into your vision.

These terms are summarised here: Recommended Employment Terms.

From time to time it may be commercially viable for you to use the services of a self-employed contractor. If you are considering making an appointment on self-employed terms we ask that you read our Guidance on Engaging a Self-Employed Contractor and we encourage you to have an early conversation with Andrew to ensure that the correct employment status is established.

Please note that no vacancy may be advertised, neither can an appointment can be made, unless prior approval has been obtained from the District Lay Employment Sub Committee (CPD 438A (5)). This can be achieved through conversation with the District Lay Employment Advisor. For all circuit appointments it is a requirement of the district that a member of district staff is invited onto the shortlisting and interview panel. 

Phone/Message: 07825 337500

For Lay Employees

To ensure that all information held on behalf of the Lay Employment Sub-Committee is correct (as required by Standing Order 438A) and we have the relevant permissions, please can all Lay Employees fill out this form.

For Line Managers

Did you know that the Learning Network deliver line management training for anyone who line manages an employee in the Methodist Church? Click here to learn more and to see the schedule of future training sessions provided by the Learning Network. Further line manager support is available through a recently updated Line Managers Handbook.

Policies & PROCESSES

The district has a range of approved employment policies and processes for you to use. These include:

Absence Management (Long Term) | Absence Management (Short Term) | Absence Management (Unauthorised) | Adoption Leave (from UK) | Adoption Leave (From Overseas) | Alcohol and substance use | Carers Leave (New for 2024) | Chairing a Disciplinary Hearing | Compassionate Leave | Difficult Conversations | Disciplinary procedure | Equality, Diversity and Inclusion | Exit Interviews | Expense Claims | Flexible Working Requests | Grievance Process | Handling Fit Notes | Health and Safety Policy | Jury Service | Lone working | Maternity Leave | Menopause | Paternity Leave | Performance Management | Probationary Periods | Protected Conversations | Recording of a Meeting | Redundancy Process | Return to Work Meeting | Setting SMART Objectives | Shared Parental Leave | Sickness Reporting | Use of CCTV | Use of Social Media | Violence at Work | Whistleblowing

To access any of the above, or to request a policy or process that is not listed, please contact Andrew

Other Resources

Job Vacancies – click here for employment and volunteering opportunities from the churches, circuits, and projects of the district. To submit a job vacancy please contact Andrew

Encircled in Care – a resource that will train, empower and enable pastoral carers and others to share in Christ’s caring ministry. Offering practical, up-to-date ideas and resources that can help pastoral carers to seek ‘life in all its fullness’ for the body of Christ.