Homelessness Research

Yorkshire North and East Methodist District is to undertake important research on homelessness.

We are pleased to announce that Mark Bevan, who has a background in housing research and issues surrounding homelessness, will be working with us over the next year to see how local churches and the District as a regional voice can make a positive impact on homelessness.

Watch the video to find out more…

Youth Homelessness Event

Click here to find out more

Homelessness Blog

In the run up to the Sleep Out for Homelessness event mentioned above we’ll look in more detail at some of the particular issues facing homeless people. There is a series of blogs that will explore: youth homelessness; some of the issues that contribute to the risk of homelessness in childhood; the hidden nature of homelessness especially in the rural areas of our District; contributions from Carecent and SASH; how we might respond locally as individuals and churches going forwards into 2021.