Safeguarding Training

In the Methodist Church we have two levels of safeguarding training – Foundation and Advanced. The Methodist Church has a list of those who are required to attend each level of training (please see links below), depending on their role(s) in the church, but anyone who wants a better understanding of safeguarding in the context of the Methodist Church is welcome to sign up and attend a course, even if they aren’t on the list.

Foundation Training

Foundation Module – who needs to attend?

The Foundation Module, which offers an introduction to safeguarding in the Methodist Church, is circuit-led training. To find out more information about upcoming Foundation Module courses in your circuit, please speak to your church or circuit safeguarding officer. We are, however, collating training dates from around the District and you can find these below. 

Advanced training

Advanced Module – who needs to attend?

The Advanced Module is arranged and delivered by the District Training Team. It is offered in two formats: online or in-person.

The online format is divided into two distinct areas – a self-paced course on MCBX, followed by a 2-hour Gathered Session hosted on Zoom. You will need to book onto a Gathered Zoom session to be registered for the MCBX learning modules.

The in-person sessions are delivered as a full day’s training, beginning at 10am and finishing by 3:30pm in various locations around the District – see the booking page for dates and venues.